it’s not about the colour of the curtains or the texture of the wallpaper, it’s about where you sit when you read.
Good taste is comfortable, bad taste can be delicious, no taste is dangerous.
Look to create a shape and form around which the rest of your life can move comfortably.
Style is not so much a theme or method, but the intrinsic and instinctive manifestation of the makers spirit and nature.
Meet Q

Quentin du Plooy’s experience in various disciplines relating to the creation of fine interiors include shop-fitting, contracting and construction, in addition to design and project management. A long exploration of style and the arts, together with a fascination with craftsmanship, and environments related to work and home life. This together with a sound understanding of cabinetry, soft furnishings, finishes and fabrics provides interiors that are at once luxurious and understated. Q’s network of some of South Africa’s most creative and competent craftspeople and manufacturers allows detail and quality to come to the fore. This allows projects that are not only timeously delivered and cost effective, but unique and elegant too.
Quentin du Plooy is resident in the Winelands of the Western Cape and has completed installations in South Africa, the Neighbouring States, as well as the UAE and the United Kingdom.
Quentin du Plooy se ondervinding lê in die verskeie dissiplines wat verband hou met die skepping van fyn interieurs, insluitend skrynwerk, kontraktering en konstruksie bykomend tot die ontwerp, en projekbestuur. ‘n Lang verkenning met styl en die kunste, tesame met ‘n fassinasie met vakmanskap, en omgewings wat verband hou met werk en tuis sit hoog in sy proffesionele bedryf. Dit, tesame met ‘n uitstekende begrip van sagte meublement, afwerkings en materiale bied interieurs wat gelyktydig luuks en onderskat is. Q se netwerk met sommige van Suid-Afrika se mees kreatiewe en bekwame kunshandwerkers en vervaardigers laat detail en gehalte na tevore kom. Die laat projekte aan wat nie net betyds afgelewer en koste-effektief is, maar uniek en elegant ook.
Q woon in die Wes-Kaapse wynlanddistrik. Hy het deur die jare talle installasies voltooi regdeur Suid-Afrika en ons buurlande, asook in die Verenigde Arabiese Emirate en die Verenigde Koninkryk.

Q’s passion is the creation of professional and home environments that are appropriate both to form and function. Q believes that interiors create not only a canvas for living, but a mirror of a life lived too. Treasured possessions, heirlooms, artworks and newly curated collections create an environment that allows for living or entertaining, and provides retreat from a stressed world.
Facilitating an insightful brief in consultation with the client forms the project’s kernel, together with a curatorial familiarization of the client’s wishes and existing collection of art, furniture and objcet d’art. Expert understanding guides and directs new purchases, with sound insights into priorities and budgets.
Q se passie is die skepping van professionele en huislike omgewings wat geskik vir beide vorm en funksie is. Q is van mening dat interieurs skep nie net ‘n doek vir die lewe nie, maar verspieël ook ‘n lewe wat geleef is. Kosbare besittings, kunswerke en nuut saamgestelde versamelings bou ‘n omgewing wat dit moontlik maak om te woon of te onthaal, en toevlug uit ‘n gespanne wêreld bied.
Die fasilitering van ‘n insiggewende kort in oorleg met die kliënt, vorm die kern van die projek. Die, tesame met ‘n kuratoriale kennismaking van die kliënt se wense en die kliënt se bestaande versamelings van kuns, meubels en objet d’art. Deskundige begrip gee gids aan nuwe aankope, met klank insigte na prioriteite en begrotings.

Q commits to create an interior that is appropriate to its user and its place in time.
A room that reflects the culture of those who occupy it, and a process that transforms innovative ideas into reality.
Q strives to share an informed and subtly curated view of fine art pieces and collected furniture as well as objet d’art.
Q inspires design concepts and uses resources to aid confident decorating.
Q assists in the investigation of the client’s preferences and requirements, while procurement, personal shopping and management of the final installation is undertaken with sensitivity, insight and discretion.
Q’s Project managed quality, service and craftsmanship is given.
Q le hom daarop toe om interieurs te skep wat toepaslik vir die gebruiker daarvan is en wat spreek tot die tydperk waarbinne dit geskep word.
Q skep ruimte wat die kultuur van die bewoners reflekteer, deur prosesse te volg wat vernuwende idees in realiteit omskakel.
Q deel ‘n ingeligte en subtiel saamgestelde perspektief van die skone kunste, meubelversamelings, asook objets d’art.
Q werk inspirerend en met selfvertroue aan ontwerpkonsepte in sy gebruik van hulpmiddels om binnehuise ruimtes te skep.
Q help die klient se behoeftes en voorkeure identifiseer. Die aankoop van nuwe stukke en die bestuur van die finale installasie word op ‘n sensitiewe wyse gedoen wat van insig en diskresie getuig.
Q se projekbestuur getuig van kwaliteit, puik diens en uitmuntende werkmanskap.
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